Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): ignitor, sectional view, service person

how do you check out the ignitor on a 14.4 hp kawaski motor in my jd 175 hydro lawn tractor

 Hello Joe:

 Unless you Purchase a Tester or Build One(as I Did) a Non Service Person Cant Test an Ignitor/Trigger Coil. The Triger Coil/Ignitor Replaces the Points Set on Some Engines. Most times When an Engine Loses Spark the Trigger Coil/Ignitor is the Cause. A Coil(without a built in Module) will Rarely go Bad. I Suggest you Take the Trigger Coil/Ignitor to your Local Small Engine Repair Shop and nave them Test it for you. Most Shops Charge $5.00 to do this. You can View a Breakdown of this Engine at this Addy and Enter the Model Number 175. Then Double Click on your Mower in the Results Section. Then Select the Sectional View. Then Select the Engine. I am here if you Require more Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.

 Good Luck

