Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Mower belt burning off, craftsman model, automotive belts
QuestionI got a Craftsman model # 917.274811 and when I try to engage the blades, the belt starts melting in half and the blades do not engage. Is there a rusted bearing or some other blockage? It is only a year old. Belts are expensive. If possible, can I use an automotive belt instead of OEM? If so, what size.
Answer Hello John:
You can View a Breakdown of the Mower at this Addy and Click on the Lawn Equipment Box. Then Enter the Model Number 917.274811 and Click Continue. Verify the Product and Click Continue. On this Page you can Select to View Different Sections of the Mower Breakdowns or the Parts Lists. Select the Diagram View of the Mower Deck. Remove the Mower Deck from Under the Mower. Check the 2 Idler Pulleys and Ensure they Turn Free and Dont have a Rough Sound to them. The Pulleys are Diagram #'s 36 & 145. If these are Good, then Check the Mandrels. Diagram #' 14. One of these is Going to be the Problem unless the Belt is Off One of the Pulleys. An Automotive Belt WONT WORK. Automotive Belts are Manufactured to be Tighten and Stay and Stretch and be Retightened. Not to Be Tightened and Loosened Over and Over Again. You can Purchase an Industrial Belt from Most Automotive Parts Stores for a Reasonable Price. The Number is L495, a Dayton Number from Advance Automotive. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck