Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Briggs & Stratton 5 hp engine, briggs and stratton, briggs stratton
Followup To
Question -
Helo John. I ran into this site while trying to fnd an answer to a question my Dad asked me to try to find online. I know nothing about small enignes, but I am the 'computer person' who tries to find answers for my parents. So....he has a model 130292 Type 1664-01 Code 82090307 Briggs and Stratton 5 HP engine he removed from an old tiller to use get a Troy bilt running. e wants to know what the settings are for the governor and the Carbuerator. Can you help me with this? Tnanks so much for anything you can tell me!
Answer -
Hello Karen:
Did your Dad Remove the Governor Control Arm from the Governor Shaft? If He Did Not, then All He has to do is Hook Up the Linkage from the Governor Arm to the Carburator Thru Shaft. The Engine RPM's are Regulated by the Spring the Comes from the Throttle Control to the Governor Control Arm. The Carburator Screws are Turned In Until SNUG. Then Reverse 2 Turns. Start the Engine and Throttle Up to High RPM's. Turn the High Air Mixture Screw(usually in the Bowl of the Carburator) in Until the ENgine Smooths Out. Idle the Engine Back and Set the Idle Air Mixture Screw to Eliminate any Hesitation when Throttling Up. The Set Idle if Required. Your Dad can View a Breakdown of the Engine at this Addy an Enter the Model Numbers 130292 and Type Numbers 1664. Then Click Search. On the Next Page, Scroll Down to the 2nd Listing and Click on View PDF. THis will Download a Breakdown of the Engine to View Online. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck
Hello again John! Thank you so much for such a fast reply. I believe my Dad did remove the control arm from the shaft. My husband says he remembers seeing it disassembled when we were over there the other night. I will ask to be sure tomorrow, but I think he did that in order to change a gear to make the engine fit the Troy bilt. I suppose setting the carb and governor is altogether different because of this fact...
Thanks!!! Karen
Answer Hello Karen:
Setting the Carburator is the Same, but can Only be Performed after the Governor is Set. To Set the Governor Control Arm to the Shaft Properly: 1- Hook up the Linkage to the Carburator from the Governor Arm. 2- Loosen the Governor Arm From the Governor Shaft. 3- Turn the Governor Shaft Counter Clockwise and Hold the Governor Arm so the Carburator is Full Open. While Holding the Governor Shaft and Governor Arm Lock the Governor Arm to the Governor Shaft. Setting a Governor is Tricky. Be Sure the Shaft is Turned as Far as it will go before Steeing the Arm and Locking it Down. I Noticed that the Addy I sent you Didnt have the Online Breakdown. I went to this Site and found the Breakdown. Follow the Instruction to View the llustrated Parts List for a 130200 Engine. It is the Second Listing on the Model Page. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck