Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): snapper rear engine series 22 mod#288707, carburator, seat safety
Questioni was mowing and it quit like it was out of gas , when it started it runs as long as i hold on the cluch\brake pedal when i let it off it dies. i got the mower new in 2002 and have took good care of it , i would like to fix it myself thanks for anything you can tell me ...Jim
Answer Hello Jim:
Is the Engine Stalling Like it is Starved for Gas or Like the Ignition Switch was Turned Off? If it is Like the Key was Turned Off, then Check the Seat Safety Switch. If it is Like the Engine Starving for Gas, then the Carburator May have Picked up Trash/Water into the Main Jet and is Restricing the Gas flow. The Engine cannot Draw Enough Gas Through the Main Jet to Run Under a Load. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I enjoy knowing the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck