Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): small engine wiring, mag wire, automatic shutdown

I have tecumseh small engine
it has an automatic low oil automatic shutdown
the switch has three prongs to connect 3 wires.--and+ is lables on the switch.
what 3 wires go where.
2-ground from the frame
3-oil sensor
I changed the wires differently and still dont get a spark.
is there a way i can try to get a spak without using the switch.
it is a new magneto and still no spark. if the sensor is bad would i still get a spark?
can you help me?

Hi Alan,

I have not worked on an engine with low oil protection.  Try to get spark with the mag wire unconnected and if no change, try it grounded.  After that, we can determine what goes where and if the switch is faulty.

let me know how you make out.