Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 12.5 B&S smokes excessively, blown head gasket, briggs and stratton
QuestionMy 12 year old 12.5 HP (not an I/C) Briggs and Stratton engine is smoking bad from the muffler while running and oil even drips on the floor from the muffler. The oil level is right on full and there's no gas smell in the oil. If the oil ring(s)are bad is it difficult to replace for an average wrench? Also any idea of what the cost would be for parts to repair if I did the work myself? Thanks for any help. Bob
Answer Hello Bob:
Replace the Crankcase Vent. If the Crankcase Vent is Bad the Compression Builds up in the Crankcase and Pushes the Oil Around the Exhaust Valve Stem and Into the Hot Exhaust Port. This causes the Smoking and Oil Residue coming from the Muffler. If the Vent is Good, then Check the Head Gasket(depends on the Model). A Blown Head Gasket between the Cylinder and the Valves will cause this Problem on the OHV Engines. Depending on the Shape of the Cylinder, you May be Able to get by with a Re-Ring. However, I Suggest you Contact Michelle at 205-669-2500 ( and Inquire about the Price of a Short Block. Most times this is the Best Route to Take. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. I really like to know the Outcome. Thanks.
Good Luck