Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Throttle linkage on a Tecumseh 4.0 small engine, tecumseh engine repair, throttle linkage

I have an old Murray push mower with a Tecumseh 4.0 engine. I was mowing, shut it off for a few minutes and when I started it again (pull start) it ran for a few seconds and quit. Continued to run for a few seconds and quit. Completed a carb rebuild however when reattaching the throttle/govenor, I have been unable to get the settings correct. Can you advise what the steps are to setting the govenor/throttle? I do not have an owners manual. Mower will now run but at full throttle only. Can only slow the engine manually(adjust throttle at carb) Thanks in advance


The two sites above have decent directions on adjusting the governor.  You can also search "Tecumseh governor adjustment" or "lawn mower governor adjustment" for more info.

Both sites contain the same information as the Tecumseh engine repair manual.

After following the directions if the engine continues to run really fast there may be other problems.

Let me know what happens and if these sites help.