Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B&S 5 HP lawnmower governor, throttle control, small engines

Have a 5hp B&S motor on go cart.  How do I adjust teh governor to allow more RPMs from engine on GoCart.....
Thank you

 Hello Denise:

 Purchase a Stronger Throttle Control Spring or Shorten the One that is on the Engine now. The Spring that Pulls the Governor Arm when the Throttle is Depressed is the Spring. The Shorter it is the Higher the RPM's. If you Purchase a Spring, get a 3200 RPM Spring. This is Max RPM's on Small Engines. Red Line is Approx. 3600 to 3800 RPM's. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

