Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snapper mower, snapper mower, model type

I have a Snapper 12 HP 28" Hi Vac mower with a Briggs engine. Model 281223BVE bought about 3-4  yrs ago.  I have never been able to keep a battery on it.  A new battery will work about 1-2 months, and then it's dead.  I've been pull starting the mower, but that's getting harder with age.  I thought I would try a battery one more time.  I just had a new battery put on it, and it's already beginning to go down only after about 6 starts.  Is there a problem with batteries on this model, or do I need to do something else?

 Hello Len:
 I need the Model Numbers Off of the Engine Blower Housing(metal engine cover). Send me the Model Type and Code Numbers, Please. With these Numbers I can View a Breakdown of the Engine and Better Assist you. However, if you have a Volt Meter; Running the Engine at Full Throttle, Check the Voltage. It Should Read 12.5 to 13.5 or Higher. If the Readings are Lower, then the Stator or the Regulator(depends on Model, Type and Code) May be Bad. It sounds like the Regulator or Stator(Charger) isnt Working. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happesn, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

