Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman tractor wont turn off!!!, u channel, model numbers

Hi. I just finished putting my 12 year old tractor back together after removing the mowing deck, front axle and engine to have the frame welded where it cracked around the front axle u-channel. The welder did a great job, and I got everything put back together very nicely. The only issue I have is that the mower won't turn off after I start it!
The keyed ignition switch has 3 positions: Left=Off; Center=Run; and Right=Start. (when you release the right most "start" position, it returns to the "run" position. Well, that's normal for an ignition switch, and that's the way it had been working for the past 12 years. However, I now have the following ignition switch functions: Left=Run; Center=Start; Right=Start. I now have to use full throttle & choke together to get the engine to stop.
I thought I hooked up all wires as they were originally. Any ideas? Thanks!

 Hello George:

 You have the Wires Wrong. Send me the Model Numbers Off of the Mower, Please. With these I can get a Diagram of the Wiring Harness for you to View. This Diagram will Assist you in Getting the Wires Connected Correctly. Thanks.

