Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh wont start, starter fluid, carborator

Tecumseh HS40  55065L ser 2296B-carborator 1181D21
A weak spark, won't jump a 1/8" gap.  I have cleaned the carb, and checked the adjustment on the magnets(~.015"), have ~6K ohms spark to coil and about 260 ohms on low side.  
I am assuming my problem may be the spark quality, but don't know enough to correct this or perhaps find out what to do after the spark problem is solved.

Thanks in advanve for your assistance.


 Hello Tom:

 The Coil is Gapped at .020in from the Flywheel. 1- Can you Run the Engine with Starter Fluid? If Yes, then the Carburator is the Problem. 2- Most Times a Coil will Either Fire or Not. If After Resetting the Coil to .020in and the Starter Fluid will Not Run the Engine, Check the Compression. If the Compression is Good, then the Coil/Ignition Module is Bad or a Wire has Leakage to Ground. Check the Cutoff Wire to the Coil for Burnt/Bare Places where a Leak to Ground can Occur. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

