Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftman 25cc weed trimmer no spark, spark plug cable, magnet disc

Hi,my question is as follow, the spark plug cable broke and I replace the induction coil assy but I have no spark, is there an specific gap between the coil ends and the magnet disc on the engine? before this happend the trimmer was working just fine, the coil is made by phelon and I was told they are pretty much standar item.

              Thank You.

 Hello Michael:

 The Coil Gap is Usually .020in. Disconnect the Cutoff Wire from the Coil and see if the Coil Fires. If Yes, then the Cutoff Wire or the Switch is Bad. Coils are Pretty much the Same, just Different Manufacturers. It is Also Possible for the New Coil to be Bad. I have Purchased Many New Parts that were Bad Right Out of the Box. Did you Ground the Proper Wire on the Coil? Hope this Helps. Let me know  what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

