Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn mower belts, automotive belts, v belts
QuestionI have a John Deer riding mower that keeps breaking the belt that controls the blade. I have been replacing it with automotive v belts. Is there a difference in automotive belts and John Deer belts? They work fine for 1 or 2 mowings and I can't see any where that the belt is rubbing and its not in a bind. Could the type of belt that Im using be my problem?
Answer Hello Shannon:
Automotive Belts Are Not Designed for Tension to Be Applied and then Released Time and Again. Most automotive Parts Stores Carry Industral Belts and Lawn Equipment Belts. Before Puting on a New Belt, Check the Quill Assemblies (towers the blades bolt to) for Bad Bearings and Bindng. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck