Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): weedeater stalling, fuel mixture, question deals
QuestionI feel this question deals with all 2 cycle engine. It will start of course by choking it. It will run as it should until you rev up the engine then it will stall. Start up again, rev it and it stalls. If you choke it at different positions it will rev for a minute or so than stall. Problem?
Answer Hello Alva:
Check the Exhaust Port and Muffler for Carbon Blocking the Port. Check the Spark Arrestor Screen in the Muffler. If these are Clear and Exhausting Properly, then The High RPM Fuel Mixture Screw Needs to be Opened 1/4 Turn at a Time Until it Stays Running at Full Throttle. If Adjusting the Fuel Mixture Screw Does Not Help, then Clean and Rebuild the Cradurator. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck