Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman 16 hp Riding Lawnmower, white smoke, carburator
QuestionI just installed a new battery on my mower. Started it up and let it run for about 10 minutes, when I shut it off, I noticed the muffler smoking a little more than I had before. A couple of days later I replaced the blades on the mower. I then started it up to test it, after about 5 minutes of it running, white smoke started pouring out of the muffler along with some watered down oil. The mower then shuts down,I can then start it back up, same thing, white smoke pouring out of muffler. I can let it cool down for a while and start mower up again, it will run for about 5 minutes and white smoke pours out of muffler. I had washed the dust and dirt off of the mower a week before this and thought mayby I got too much water down the flywheel. Before any of this, the mower ran fine. Thanks
Answer Hello Clint:
Have you Noticed any Gas Smell to the Oil? If yes, then Change the Oil and Install a Cut Off Valve in the Gas Line to the Carburator and Turn Off the Gas Flow Each Time you Finish Using the Mower. Check the Gas Tank Cap and Ensure it is Venting Properly. The White Smoke Indicates Gas in the Oil Most of the Time. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck