Question6.5 yard works/self /p,big wheels lawn mower,will not start,new about 5 hrs on it,problem hit something and warrenty wouldnt cover it ,said miss used put a new shalf($300.00)cut the grass once now no fire,check the plug seam good,took the plug out and pulled the cord,still no fire,check the gap on the coil,with a match book still no fire.cleaned with sand paper,still no fire,how would i check to see if it the coil,is their a home test i could do ,maybe that is not the problem either ?talked to a friend he said some thing about the shear pin slipped,would that cause it from not firing?and how would i check that out ?thanks ..patrick
Answer Hello Patrick:
The Flywheel Key Times the Engine. If the Shaft was Replaced a New Flywheel Key should have been used. If not, then Replace the Flywheel Key(shear pin). You Cannot Check the Condition of the Key without Removing the Flywheel. To Check the Coil/Magnetron, Locate the Small Lead from the Coil/Magnetron and Disconnect it so the Small Coil Lead isnt Hooked up. Turn the Engine and Look for Fire at the Plug. If No Fire, then the Coil/Magnetron is Bad. If Fire at the Plug, then Check the Flywheel Key. If the Flywheel Key is Good, then Try to Start the Engine with Starter Fluid. Does the Engine Start and Quit? If Yes then, the Carb isnt letting Gas go to the Engine. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck