Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Wheel Horse Riding mower, wheel horse, starter fluid

My wheel horse is hard to start.  Yesterday it would start at all.  I have 12 volts at the battery, when I turn it over the voltage goes down to about 7 volts.  It is a fairly new battery.  
I test the spark plug and HAVE spark when turning the key.  I sprayed in some starter fluid into the spark plug chamber but it still wont start.  Any ideas?  THink maybe the carb need rto be rebuilt?  THe tractor is 15 years old.

 Hello Tim:

 1- Check the Battery for a Dead/Weak Cell. No Matter how New a Cell can and Does Short out. If the Battery is Good, then Check the Starter. The Draw on the Battery Shouldnt Go Below 10VDC when Cranking the Engine (9VDC to 10VDC). Is the Engine Turning Fast Enough to Start the Engine?  Even if the Carburator Needed Cleaning and Overhauling the Engine should have Started with the Starter Fluid and Run as long as you Continued to Spray the Fluid into the Craburator Throat. If you Used Starter Fluid and It Wouldnt Start, then Check the Compression Too. Minimum Compression 70psi. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

