Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Bolens 31cc weedeater, carbon buildup, carburator
QuestionMy sons weedeater runs for 15-30 seconds then quits...I've replaced the diaphram and needle in the carb but still the same problem. Not sure what the next step is...please HELP....
Answer Hello Nick:
1- Check the Muffler and the Exhaust Port for Carbon Buildup. 2- If the Fuel Filter in the Tank is Good and Fuel is Getting to the Carburator, then the Carburator Requires Soaking Overnite in Cleaning Solution. The Gas Forms a Varnish Over Time and the Ports and Passages become Clogged. Blow out the Ports and Passages with Compressed Air to Ensure they are Clear. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck