Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snapper Mower P216012, recoil, spark plug

I've had the mower several years and possibly after one year, occasionally, the pull starter would hit a hard spot and just not pull.   I shaked and jiggled and coaxed and pulled and often it would just unhang.  I took it into repair one time and the guy jerked it so hard it the rope broke...and he said, now we know the problem.  It has continued to do this possibly once per use and sometimes more.  Today it just wouldn't unhang at all.  There's nothing wrapped around the spindle.
I dont think I want to take it back to my strong friend.....I think he will just do the same.  Something is wrong in the mechanism and I havent a clue what.
Can you be of assistance?


Hi mij,

Sometimes when a recoil seems to be locked up, the flywheel key is partially sheared, causing advanced timing.  
When your situation happens again, remove the spark plug and see if it pulls over.  Does the recoil rewind when it hangs up?
