Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman tractor wont stay running, brigs and straton, new tank
Question I have a cratsman tractor Mod# 917.270532 14.5 Brigs and Straton OHV IC Gold. After changing spark plug and new tank of gas because it sat for a year and a half it would start but if I try to engage mower, let off clutch, or off seat it shuts off. It like the engine boggs down it seems to be electrical. Any ideas?
Answer Hello Tom:
Check the Blade Safety Switch. Are you Sure it is Not the Carburator Not getting enough Gas to Run Under a Load? From the Way you explained the Operation of the Mower it Really sounds like the Carburator Requires a Good Cleaning and Overhaul. If it Set for a Year and a Half, Clean and Overhaul the Carburator First. If you Need to see any of your Mower Broken Down, got to and follow the Directions to View All the Parts Breakdowns. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens.
Good Luck