Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): New Honda Mower VXA - wont start - starter plug too hard, honda gcv160, honda mower
QuestionIt is Honda GCV160 OHC/OHV. Thanks again.
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Hi John, I just bought a new Honda VXA that has the Roto Switch etc. fancy stuff for half a grand. After I fueled it, it started with just one pull of the starter plug. I took it to the lawn and as soon as it moved 2 feet it stopped and I can't get it to start again. It seems the starter plug is stuck, not sure why. I checked the fuel valve position, am using the Choke start but the starter plug it just too tight making it impossible to pull it all the way back. Really disappointing as I paid such a huge price and still have problems... Could you pl. advice on what I can do for it to get working? Thanks much... -Satish.
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Hello Satish:
Send me the Model Numbers Off of the Mower and Off of the Engine, Please. I Require these to Look up your Mower in my Manuals. Thanks.
Answer Hello Satish:
Remove the Starter Housing and see if you can Pull the Starter Rope Out now. If No, the Spring inside the Starter Housing Broke and Jammed the Starter. If yes, then Remove the Spark Plug. Tilt the Engine and try to turn the Engine by Hand Using the Blade. Be Carefull, the Blade has Sharp Edges. Remember to Have the Engine Brake Released. If the Engine Will Not turn, then Check the Engine Brake and Ensure that it is Releasing the Flywheel. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck