QuestionMy ignition switch shorted out and damaged my coil, I bought a new ignition switch, and coil and replaced them but, coil will not fire, tried to run engine or fire engine with grounding wire disconnected from coil but coil will not fire, checked ignition wiring, all is good, the coil is a after market one called stens 440-441
which replaces briggs 394891
Thanks Joe
Answer Hello Joe:
Check and make sure that there is No Way the Shut Off wire is Grounding. Unless you have a Bad Coil(Magnatron), then the Coil should Fire the Plugs. I dont use After Market Parts Unless I cant get the Original Part. I see no Ignition Module and the Book Shows a Magnatron Coil which has the Module in the Coil. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck