Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): starter, murray lawn tractor, automotive cables
QuestionMy B&S 11 hp Murray lawn tractor starter just clicks when turning the key until it decides to turn over, it may take 5 attempts or 50. It works great otherwise.
Answer Hello Greg:
All that Follows is on the Basis that the Battery is Fully Charged. Is the Starter Clicking or the Soleniod? If the Soleniod then Jumper the Soleniod and Start the Engine. If you Jump the Soleniod and the Starter doesnt Turn, then the Starter is Bad. I put Automotive Cables on All the Ridering Mowers when the Cables are Replaced. A Larger Diameter Cable Allows more Amp Flow to the Soleniod and the Starter. You will get Better Service out of the Soleniod and Starter by using Larger Diameter Cables. Hope this Helps. Let mw know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck