Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere 14sb clutch removal/repair, john deere 14sb, pb blaster
Good to see you back and available. I'm trying to remove the blade brake clutch as discussed earlier which may be slipping/worn/contaminated with PB Blaster. I don't have an impact wrench and am trying to figure how to stabilize drive shaft so as to remove clutch mechanism. If the pad is contaminated PB Blaster maker says acetone will clean pad. Is the pad replaceable on its own? Thanks for your help.
AnswerI haven't seen a replacable clutch pad...just the whole clutch.
You can dis-assemble the engine and use a strap wrench to hold the flywheel. You can also fill the cylinder with oil to lock the cylinder but I would recommend removing the carburetor and muffler beforing filling the cylinder. This will keep the oil out of the muffler and carb.
Let me know if you get the bolt out.
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