Another question, I only have one mixture screw located towards the throat of the this two turns? Another high speed screw located towards the carb bowl...what shoot this be set on? One more thing, the underside of the head must black, not white as I've seen on car cylinder heads...does this meaning running too rich or because of the head gasket?
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Took off carb, cleaned and even checked warpage of carb. Idles well however still won't acclerate with missing and eventually dies. Notice with accleration a small amount of gas shhots back thru the carb.
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Well I took the new coil off and eventually got it started, no backfire however it idles rough and when increasing the throttle it dies. It did run rough,set mixture screws at 2 turns and made some adjustments didn't seem to help. Now what? Is the new coil bad, I pirchased a 12 volt coil from the auto parts store, anything different from the original? Any other adjustments on the carb? Looks to be three screws, what are they and the adjustments?
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Last year the 18 hp kohler backfired, ran rough, difficult to start. Called JD dealer, suggested replacing coil, after replacing coil can't even get engine to start. Have spark at plug, fuel past fuel pump any suggestions? Could carb settings be off? Points.condenser? I took carb off last year cleaned it seems to be okay. What else?
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Hello David:
Check for a Burnt Valve. Also the Carb Air/Fuel Mixture Screws are set 2 Turns Out from Bottom. Turn the Screws all the way in. Then Turn them 2 Turns Out. This will get the Engine Running. Then Set as Required. If you Set the Carb and it Runs, let me know and I will walk you through the Fine Adjustment of the Air/Fuel Mixture Screws. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck
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Hello David:
If you are Sure the Carb is Claen, then lets Check the Compression and see what it is. It could Still be a Burnt Valve or a Head Gasket Leaking. When you First Start the Engine Spray Liquid Wrench On the Head Gasket Around the Head and Look for Signs of a Leak (bubbles). A compression Check will Tell a Lot about the Valves and Rings. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens Please.
Good Luck
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Hello David:
Turn Both Air/Fuel Mixture Screws counter Clockwise 1/4 Turn and see if there is a change in the Running. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck
Answer Hello David:
There are 3 Screws. 1 is the Idle Screw. The one in the Bottom of the Bowl is High Mixture Screw and the One at the Carb Throat is Idle Mixture Screw. The Primary Setting for the Mixture Screws is 2 Turns Out. The Black at the Head is Most Likely from the Head Gasket Leaking. Hope this Helps. Let mw know what Happens, Please.
Good Luck