Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): mtd yard machine 15.5 hp b&s engine, safety mechanisms, keyswitch

I cannot get the engine to start.  I can hotwire it by connecting the two posts on the solenoid.  I don't know if it is an issue with a couple of the safety mechanisms or not.  the seat safety is fine and the plunger connected to the pto seems to be fine.  so does the one connected to the clutch. Is this a solenoid issue or an ignition switch issue?  or neither one?

Hi Jonathan,
If jumping the posts starts it- hey that takes out an entire host of possibilities!
Leaves your keyswitch, no 1 suspect.
The only safety I believe that keeps it from starting is the one on the clutch/brake.  Jump it with a paperclip & give it a try.  
Take that same paperclip and a 12v test light, find the "crank" or "start" terminal on the keyswitch.  Jump battery power to that post (it'll be a small red wire that goes to the solenoid).  If it cranks- keyswitch is bad, if it don't replace the solenoid.
Lemme know how it goes ok?