QuestionA friend gave me a 3 year old Murray B&S 11HP 30" Riding Lawnmower with a leak form the gas tank. ( from what he said) I bought a new tank and that wasn’t what was leaking. I have a gas leak form around my carb… I noticed a stream coming from the bottom of the bell. I took the bell off looked @ gasket it looked ok so I reinstalled it tightened everything up and still leaked. Then I took off the whole carb inspected it, inspected the bell AGAIN reinstalled everything AGAIN & it is still leaking fuel.
Please help!! I can barley see my kids playing in the yard.
Thank You.
AnswerHiya Paul
Believe it or not, I just went thru this very thing! What MY problem was, was water had gotten into the bell at some point in the past, and has eaten several tiny holes in it (it isn't very thick).
1-remove it, clean it out to bare metal inside with a small wire bristle brush.
2-hold it to a light. See any holes?
3-car parts store sells gas tank sealer, coat the inside of the bell with that and let er dry.
4-put it back together, making sure that the "square" o-ring is in place around the top of the bell, and the fuel cut-off solenoid has a good washer/gasket on the part of it that screws up into the bottom of the bell once the bell's in place.
should take care of it.
Lemme know how it goes