Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Carberator, water in the fuel, fuel inlet

I have a weed eater Riding mower. It seems to not being able to get gas. the float seems to be working, there is gas in it. I can make it run by injecting gas thru the air in take side of the carb.
Would it be wise for me to get another float assmbly for the caberator?

Hi Bill,

Since it runs when you add fuel, the carb most likely has dirt, debris or gummed fuel inside. First, check for a good fuel flow from the tank at the carb's fuel inlet.  Next, you will need to remove the carb, disassemble it, clean all the small internal openings and blow it out with compressed air.   Probe each and every hole with a small wire.   Adding a carb rebuild kit wouldn't hurt either. It would include a new float needle and seat.  The float itself usually doesn't go bad unless it is fuel logged and heavy.  In that case it would deliver too much fuel.

Another possibility if the problem is fuel related: Check the gas cap to make sure it is venting and not causing a vacuum in the tank.  Also check for water
in the fuel.  

Let me know how you make out.