Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Briggs valve guide replacement, quality machine shop, valve guides
QuestionMy machine shop just told me that the valve guides were shot so they would not recut the seats for me and grind the valves. I'm assuming I can buy the guide from Briggs and have the machine shop swap them out right? I have no clue how to remove them myself. Do you know if I have to buy a bigger sized guide or just the size Briggs sell? For my model, they only listed one part number.
AnswerUsually you can use the Briggs valve guide replacement part. Many Briggs engines rarely come with an intake valve guide and some do not come with a guide on the exhaust valve.
I have never found a machine shop that could not replace the valve guides. You need some reamers that Briggs sells but I would assume a quality machine shop would already have reamers with the correct diameter.
What is the model number of your engine?
Let me know.