Questioni was wondering if you think i locked up the engine... i was mowing my grass today and after about 30 mins i stopped and went to change my kid.. when i returned i could not turn the engine over it just went mmm mmm ect..
so i went behide it and i noticed the oil cap was lose and there was oil all over the back end of the lawn mower...Did i kill my tractor?
AnswerHi Nikki
Simple test- after it cools off, try to start it. If it still goes umm ummmm, then yeah- motors toast.
Question- how did this happen? Reason I ask is if you just had it serviced, and perhaps the shop left the plug off, then there is a liability issue with the shop. If you or significant other left it loose or off- then we have a decision to make.
1-if its a relatively new mower, a replacement engine can be easily obtained, with warrenty (most expensive option)
2-or... this engine can be rebuilt good as new for about 1/3 of the price of a new engine ( an excellent path if you know a good shop)
Lemme know ok? :)