Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Springs on choke/throttle?, speed control lever, crank shaft
QuestionOk , first my knowledge of engines is zero. I for some reason, and I am still asking my self "what the heck were you thinking?" took the fuel filter off because mower was running odd (rev up , rev down then at times quit) but I still got the yard mowed,lol. After taking the filter off I noticed there were two springs one was big and still attached at both ends, the other smaller not attached at all just hung on to something. I took both off and well and when i put the first big one back I must have not put it back in right place and the second one I saw a hole on the speed control lever but had no clue where to attach it. The mower will run but when it starts it is maxed out and if i put a screw driver and it will stay holding the throttle (guessing on that) (between fuel filter and engine shaped like a v) now not the safest route I know. How do you attach them correctly? I am a visual learner and would love to fix what I am guessing should be simple. The mower is a Briggs and stratton [ Crank shaft is Vertical/ Rewind starter PTOBearing,Reduction Gear,Auxillary drive ]
AnswerHiya Libby!
I can help but I need to know what HP and how old the mower is.
If its a 3.5hp and OLD, meaning it uses an airvane governor I can DEFINATELY help. The small spring would go between the top hole in the air vane and the throttle shaft, the large spring would go from the throttle cable to the govenor link.
Lemme know what you have ok?