Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): honda cgv160 timing belt valve timing, buisiness, timing belt

My wife just bought a lawn maintenance buisiness and one of the employees bent the crank on a new honda mower.  I bought a new crank, pulled it apart and now wonder if there are any timing marks needed for the timing belt so that I dont bend a valve ewhen we fire it up.  I could assume that if I pull the belt off with the piston at TDC and the valves closed, that I could just slide the belt back on if I dont move anything, but this seems a little hokey to me.  Am I right?

I'm awful sorry I've not alot of experience on these engines-
Frankly I've never seen a small displacement pushmower engine with a timing belt!  They've always had a gear mounted on the crankshaft that drove the camshaft gear.  These gears have timing marks on them.  Lemme know what you have!  (I'll try to see what I can find on this by tomorrow afternoon)
sorry I wasn't more help!