Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): a loud noise on a snapper lawn mower, snapper lawn mower, starter clutch
QuestionI have an early 90's snapper lawn mower, walk behind. When I start the mower it makes a loud noise, ear pricing noise. The starter rope does some funny thing it wants to come back out a little bit. So I took it off to tighten the spring again that still doesn't help noise is still there also. Can you help me?
Answer Hello Eric:
The Starter Clutch needs to be Lubed. When you had the Blower Housing off; did you notice the Square Tower in the Center of the Flywheel? That is the Starter Clutch. If you Look at the top of this tower, you will see a small hole. Spray a small amount of Lube so it goes into this hole. Also at the Bottom of this Tower you will see a Rubber Seal. Spray between this Seal and the Base of this Tower. the Starter Clutch should turn free Counter Clockwise and Lock Up when turned Counter Clockwise. Continue this Process of Lubing and Turning Counter Clockwise until the Starter Clutch Turns Fairly Free when turning Counter Clockwise. Hope this Helps.
Good Luck