Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): squeal/squeak when pulling over Toro mower w/ 6.5 hp Tecumseh, piston ring, oil smoke
QuestionHello Allen,
Bought the mower (two years old) off the guy who sold me the house. Before starting it for the first time, I oiled the cylinder wall and went to turn the engine over a couple of times with the pull cord. Loud squeal/squeak when the piston started to move. After pulling it over a few times, it got a bit better. Started fine, but upon shutdown the mower stopped with a final squeak. Continues to squeal when pulling the cord, and will sound a bit rough after it's been running a while. Instinct tells me this is very bad. No oil smoke while running. Any ideas? Thanks
AnswerHiya Geof
Yes-sir, I'm afraid this is not good news. What you have is a piston ring that is stuck, and not floating as it should. If you have the engine torn down, inspect the cylinder walls. If no scoring has occured yet, a simple honing operation and new rings will put you back in business. If its scored, take it to a small engine shop that does overhauls, they can re-bore and install upsized rings and pistons. If the rest of the mower is in good shape, its worth it.
Lemme know what you decide!