Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Govener, screw driver, spring tension
QuestionJohn, Thanks for your idea. It didn t work. Thes big spring is off and I still have to hold the linkage closed to get ideal? It looks as if the linkage arm dosn t push up the gov. linkage far enough. Should I try and bend it? A friend said that the gov. might be stuck? When I adjusted it and turned it with a screw driver tip it would only move about an 1/8 of and inch, is this right? Any other ideas? The big spring was not doing much, it was so loose? Thanks again Clay
Answer Hello Clay:
When you turned the Governor Screw did u feel a slight spring action. If no then the Governor inside the engine has broken. Setting the Governor; hold the Carb to idle position and turn the Governor Counter Clockwise until it stops (approx 1/8"). Do Not Over Ride the Spring tension. Lock down the Governor Arm. Hope this Helps.
Good Luck