Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Connecting two small engines, centrifugal clutches, small engines
Question I want to mount two engines on my custom made mower frame. I have two B&S 5.5hp engines. Can I tear them down and connect them with some custom made parts? Like you would see on the large tractors at a tractor pull. Any guidance would be great.
AnswerHiya Seth
WHOA! Man now THATS a project! As for connecting, can't be done internally, they'll have be be externally connected. Best method is have them both facing front to back, with a mainshaft running parallel to each, OR, have them side by side(slightly staggered)driving a mainshaft between them. Problem 1, they'll need to retain centrifugal clutches to isolate them from one another (you'll never get 'em cranked otherwise). Email me at
[email protected] and tell me what you've got.