Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Changing oil and filter John Deere STX38, john deere stx38, straight flow


What is the best way to go about changing the oil and filter on a John Deere STX 38?  I have the plastic tube to use but don't know the specifics concerning extending the drain pipe so, as a result, oil spills everywhere.


Hi Bob,

Sorry, I am not familiar with the tube you mention.  I suspect that the drain tube doesn't allow a straight flow of oil to the drain pan.  If the tube can be slipped over the drain pipe right after the plug is removed, the oil could be directed into the drain pan with minimal spillage.  Changing filter might be another issue.  You may be able to construct a chute, using a one gallon plastic coolant type container, to direct the oil where you need it to go.

Let me know how you make out.