Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman 25cc gas Weedwacker, flex shaft, set screw
QuestionMy weedwacker has a damaged drive shaft flex cable. I was able to remove the cable from top, where it connects to the engine. however I don't understand how to access the cable from the bottom where it connects to the spool. There is a large nut there, the manual calls a dust cup. not clear how this unassembles to install a new cable. The Sears web site seems to sell the Drive shaft flex cable seperatly from the housing. Thanks.
Craftsman 25cc gas Weedwacker
model no.
Answer Hello John:
If there isnt an Allen Set Screw/ Bolt in the Shaft about 1' from that Big Nut you see, then your Weedwacker doesn't have the Replaceable Flex Shaft. The Lower Bearing Housing is Permanetly Inserted into the Saft. If it has the Retainer Bolt or Set Screw then the Flex Shaft can be Replaced. Hope This Helps.
Good Luck