Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): b&s modle 28t707 type 1121e1 code 00021920, best bet, connecting rod

hello and thank you for your time   i have just found out that the crank and con rod have been starved of oil and yes it's happened crank has parted company with the con rod ? now i've striped the engine down and need a new c/s and c/r gaskets etc can you help me with re timing the motor while reassembuling it,i didnt see any t/marks for the cam/crank but they must be there or is there an illustrted paper i could download?
once again thank you for your time and hopefuly your help reguards shaun  

 Hello Shaun

 It seems you are doing a rebuild on this engine.  There is either a dimple or line marked on both the crankshaft and the cam. If you cant locate these then your best bet is to take it to a mechanic and have him set the timing the old way. Trying to explain the procedure is long and really I dont suggest a non-mechanic try it because you can damage the new connecting rod.  

 One more thing: If you purchased a new crankshaft and there is no timing marks on it, take it back and get another one. Only once before have I seen this happen but it does.

