I have just bought an old victa t20 whipper snipper.
The fuel tank was cracked, & I found another to replace it. As the tank is pressurised, the leaky one was no good @ all. My problem now, is that it still doesn't go. I've got a good spark. The primer pump was replaced ($7), & works well. I've taken the carby apart, cleaned it all & put it back together again. The only thing on the carby I changed was I took the needle out through the side (unscrewed it), but I think that my problem is related to this part. How far do I have to screw it in/out to set it for starting, & subsequent adjustment to get it just right.
Thanks, Wayne (from Cairns, Queensland, Australia).
Answer Hello Wayne
The setting for the fuel mixture screw is as follows:
Turn screw all the way in. (DO NOT TIGHTEN JUST SNUG) Then reverse 1 1/2 to 2 turns.
Once the engine starts, the screw is usually turned in while holding the engine at high speed until the engines runs smoothly. Then return engine to idle and set idle if required.