Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): starter clutch B&S 4hp engine, briggs and statton, starter clutch
QuestionI have a 4hp Briggs and Statton lawnmower engine. After it starts and pulls the cord back in, it starts a screaming noise and the cord doesn't coil properly around the pulley. I was told it was the starter clutch. Does the starter clutch just unscrew from the flywheel? I would like to replace it myself if possible. Any help or tips would be appreciated. Thanks
model 114908 code 3050
AnswerThe noise is coming from the plastic or metal arms that swing out and engauge the cup on top of the flywheel the tabs that hold them in have come out of the track or are broken. you need to remove the starter and check underneath. If there is a screw in the middle you can remove the plastice plate and inspect the arms. there is no need to remove the entire assembly out of the starter or you will have to fight with the recoil spring. If there is no screw the starter is not able to be repaired and will need to be replaced.