Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 6.75hp craftsman mower wont strart, rubber tape, pipe repairs

Tecumseh motor, has been working fine, just quit, thinking it was out of fuel, added some, still no start. Seemed to be gettin fire, removed the carb bowl (it had fuel there), looked great inside, blew it out, new plug, still no start, plug looks wet, but spark seems weak? SHocked me holding it, by the rubber too. HELP!  

Hiya George-
First thing I'd do is a little test.  Lowe's or Home Depot sells a "rubber" tape for pipe repairs.  Get a small roll of that and wrap your plug wire from boot (near the plug) to as far back as possible.  Try to crank it again.  Sounds like your plug wire has a crack and your spark is going to ground instead of your plug.  If it runs- (heres the sad part) you'll need to replace the plug wire AND the coil (all one part I'm afraid- Magnetron ignition)  look on EBAY- used ones are often on there cheap from sellers with good reps. lemme know how the test goes!  {course, if the rubber tape works- you could run that a good while ;)}