Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Craftsman mower wiring problem, excitor, key switch

I have a Craftsman mower with the 12hp B&S engine.  It's pretty old, but it worked fine last summer.  Now there is no click at all when I turn the key.  I have checked the voltage at the exciter wire on the solenoid - 12.36 volts when I turn the key to start.  The starter won't budge when I do that.  There is also 12.36 volts all the time on the battery post of the solenoid.  I tried to jump the two posts of the solenoid together, but no luck.  I wanted to see if the starter worked, so I used my car battery, hooked the ground to the frame and touched the starter pos.  Then it spun the starter no problem!  What's wrong?  (Just one excitor wire coming from the key switch on this model)  I have taken all three safety switches out checked them with my tester.  I have them jumped across right now, but still no luck.

check the voltage at the starter when you turn the key make sure the key switch is working properly and there is current making it all the way to the starter. if the key is working try charging the battery one more time. if charging the battery doesnt help it may be time for a new battery. voltage is good but its the amps that make it work. Ive never been happy with the batterys they use in the lawnmowers Ive replaced many of them.