Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): toro lawn mower not starting, wet gas, stabalizer

i have a 1985 toro lawn mower 22 inch cut..model 20684, susuki engine...2 cycle ...rear bag rear self propelle new about $550.....21 years old....told compression low..trying to start every time smell spark plug almost every time helps for one start....plug gets wet gas, etc.

is is worth putting a new engine on since the deck is non rust or time to retire and get new mower.

 I understand your pain. I had a 2cycle lawn boy for 25years and hated to see it go.
 The flooding is due to the carburetor not functioning properly if the carb is as old as the mower I would replace it as oposed to trying to rebuild it. The float or diaphram is most likely stuck open and soaking the plug to the point of filling the elctrode gap. your compression problem is due to the cylinder rings worn out or the cylinder wall is scored from sand or low lubrication. Or the intake and or the exhaust valves are not sealing in their seat propperly anymore and this makes it hard to start if it starts at all.
This mower has had a long and productive 21 year life.  unless your up for some major surgery that may or may not fix it....I personaly wouldnt waist my time with it. New complete engines run 200-300.00 and then you would have to deal with installing and adjusting it. I recomend saving your time and spend your money on something new with a warranty. Always run clean fresh gas. use a fuel stabalizer if you store gas for more than 25 days. engines will burn 1/2 to 1 ounce of oil for every hour they are used so check the oil frequently, and read the owners manual. there really is some important stuff in there about maintenance and warranty  good luck and happy shopping