Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Briggs Motor, crankcase breather, valve lifters
QuestionWhat Would I need to do in order to run a verticle shaft engine in the horizontal position? I can fabricate up a carburator adapter to get the carburator in the right position, and I know the lube system would need to be modified ( this is what I really need to know) I've noticed that it is nearly impossible to find horizontal engines lying around for my projects, but verticle shaft engines are EVERYWHERE!!(And for the taking)So if I can modify a verticle shaft engine, I can build a Really Cheap motorbike (and so can anyone else) What do you think? Thanks- Bill
AnswerI'm not sure how well this would work. But would be cool if you could make it happen. The side of the engine that the carb is mounted to would have to be on top. Their is a crankcase breather in the top of most vertical shaft engines and depending in the type of engine usually a tube that runs from it to the carb. If the oil level is at or above the breather the carb will want to suck oil out of the crankcase. You could discontect the tube from the carb and plug the carb tube where it was connected, but if the oil level is still to high the engine will spit oil out of the breather when it runs or you could try to modify the breather on the inside of the crankcase so it doesnt get sumerged in oil. also the valve lifters may want to let oil leak through them usually the lower lifter on a vertical shaft engine has a seal around it to prevent this but when you turn it on its side the upper most valve is no longer the upper most valve and if below the oil level could cause a problem. You may have to experiment with the oil level inside the crankcase, but is most important that the rodcap on the piston rod is recieving lubrication you may not have to put much oil inside it to make this happen. keep in mind your trying to make an engine run in a manner it wasnt designed to. So be patient, you may have your work cut out for you. good luck.