QuestionMy mower will not start. I bought a brand new battery, and I have determined that it is the starter. How do you remove the flywheel? The starter is just below the flywheel, and I cannot remove it without removing the flywheel.
Craftsman riding lawnmower
19 hp
AnswerHi David,
If the starter will not crank even when jumping it with cables, then you are correct, it is faulty. I would double check to see if there is another way it can be removed but if need be, follow my proceedure below.
Use an impact wrench on the nut or a strap on the flywheel. Don't put force on the cooling fins or they will break. The recommended way to remove a flywheel is to use a puller. An alternative, is to tap on the crankshaft top, with a brass hammer or use a punch tip on an air hammer. The flywheel will need to be held up and supported or upward pressure applied with 2 large prybars. (A 2 person job.) Care is needed so the flywheel doesn't crack or bend. Also be careful to not mushroom over
the crankshaft top. Install the flywheel after cleaning the tapers and re-tighten the nut to 65 ft/lbs.
Let me know how you make out.