Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 18hp B&S engine model # 422707, vacuum line, high tension

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I've got a 18hp Murry GT twin II, I've replaced the diapham and all the springs that go with it, I've got good gas flow but the carb aint sucking in the gas to keep it running, I can prime it and it start but the carb just aint keeping fuel to the carb!  It's got to be something simple I've over looked, can ya help me.
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Sometimes the intake gaskets will leak.  Did you rebuild the fuel pump side of the carb?

Is the vacuum line connected to the fuel pump sealing?  Many times the ends of the rubber tubing will leak causing the fuel pump to to work.  Cutting a 1/4 inch of line off the end will usually repair the line.

You can remove the top of the carb and then crank the engine to see if fuel is pumping into the carb bowl.  Make sure the spark plugs are removed and the high tension leads are grounded before cranking the engine.

Let me know if the fuel pump is working.


  I did in fact replaced all the gaskets even the fuel pump side, I found out that I put it on wrong but it still didn't work. The thing runs great as long as I put gas down it's throat :)  do you have a parts break down pic of the carb you know how the carb goes together? I would appreciate it thanks          

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You can go to Briggs' website and find the illustrated parts list (IPL).  This will have the picture of the carb.

Let me know if you have trouble locating the page.  You will need you engine model and type number.  The first time you visit the site it can be challenging to find.



 Dude your a lifesaver I got the IPL and saw that it had (1) spring not two so i took out the second one and thought cool it should work.... well it didn't I have the carb all set up like the IPL has it and I made sure the hose on the pump side was fitted tightly and still no suction.  I even thought I'll fill the bowl get it primed and then it might work ...wrong now what?   I do like this site it gives a person someone else to bounce thoughts back and forth and I do apprecite your thoughts

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I believe the fuel pump had 2 small springs, about the size on an ink pen spring and one larger spring with a cap on it.

Is this what you have?
I take it the mower still isn't running.
Let me know.

  Yeah I have those springs I put them on as per IPL (somebody has messed with this carb before me) and it all looks rightI even stripped it and cleaned it with cleaner put it all together and still nothing?
It's hard to reach you here here's my addy [email protected]  Thanks

I get lots of questions this time of year.  You can remove the top of the carb while the carb is still on the manifold to check the fuel pump operation.

Remove the top of the carb, remove the spark plugs and crank the engine.  The fuel pump should fill the carb bowl rapidly.  

Is the fuel pump vacuum line connected to the correct side of the fuel pump?  Is the vacuum pulse line sealing?  Many times the ends of the line will swell and not seal.

Let me know.