I recently aquired a 1970 Ariens snow blower 10954 with a Tecumseh HM100-159026c on it. The guy that gave it to me said it had carb and governor problems. I have cleaned the carb in an ultra sonic tank with every thing out of it and installed a rebuild kit. By the way, I've been an Airline mechanic for 20 years and now wrench on trains. It starts fine, idles fine for extended periods. Screw s are set at 1.5/.75 It accelerates well and the high end seems fine for extended periods, however when I bring it back to idle and then advance it again it sputters and quits. Should I be tweeking the low or high speed screw for this.
Next question - I realize that the governor adds power proportional to the load applied. How should I perform an initial setup on the throttle linkage to governor shaft arm connection.
Oh yea, when I shift to neutral the belt does not always separate from the drive wheel. There seems to be what I think is called a sliding fork that is not always sliding. Any tips.
Thank you very much in advance.
Mike Kelley
Walpole, MA
AnswerOn the sliding fork mechanism, make sure the parts are clean, free from rust and check for wear. If it has a rubber drive disc you can grease the drive shaft so the rubber disc slides eaiser. If you have a belt you may want to replace it with on OEM Ariens belt.
The sputtering from idle to high speed can be difficult to fix in older equipment. Set the idle to 1800 rpm, adjust the idle/air needle in until the rpm drops then back out until the rpm drops again. Set the needle in the middle of these two points. A slight turn out from the middle position may help the sputtering.
For the high speed, place the throttle to full speed and adjust it the same way. Turn in until engine just starts to slow/starts to die(lean mix) then out until it starts to sputter(rich mix) then turn needle back in until engine runs smooth.
To set the governor,"with the engine stopped, loosen the screw holding the governor clamp and lever. Turn the clamp clockwise on horizontal shaft engines, then push the governor lever connected to the throttle to a wide open throttle position. Hold the lever and clamp in this position and tighten the screw."
Let me know if this helps.