QuestionHow big a problem is surging? I've got a Tecumseh HM-100, 10HP motor on my generator (apx 250hrs of use) that's been running fine until yesterday, then all of a sudden it started surging. I've adjusted the idle spring to a higher setting and it kinda helped, but I don't want to leave it there permanently. Any suggestion?
AnswerStart by checking all bolt tightness, including headbolts. What brand of generator? Check the mounting fixtures for the generator and engine. Sometimes the rubber mounts weaken and cause excess vibration causing surging.
If everything is tight and the mounts are good then the carb is probably at fault. Remove, dis-assemlbe and clean the carb using compressed air and carb cleaner. Re-assemble and set engine RPM to 3600 using an accurate tachometer.
If surging still continues, replace the governor spring.
Gensets need to run at 3600 RPM to produce the correct frequency for use. Do you have a tachometer?
Let me know.