Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): B & S carburetor, murray riding lawn mower, riding lawn mower

I have a Murray riding lawn mower and know very little about them.  I just got the mower back from the repair shop and a new battery and starter was installed.  I mowed half the yard and the mower stopped.  There was no problem getting it to start again, but it would only go about 10 feet and then stop again.  After letting it set for about an hour I ran it for about 100 feet and then it stopped.  The repairman said there is prbably trash in the carburetor.  I have tried to find a diagram of a carburetor so that I can try to remove the bowl and clean it and replace it to see if this will help.  Am I going down the right road?  Is this what you would suggest.  This riding Murray mower is 13 years old and I am getting discouraged with all the repairs, but really can't afford a new one.  any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Lori,

Sorry for my delay.

Yes, you are on the right track.  I also suspect a clog in the carb.  You will need to remove the carb, disassemble it, clean all the small internal openings and blow it out with compressed air.   Probe each and every hole with a small wire.  Adding a carb rebuild kit wouldn't hurt either.

Let me know how you make out.